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How to make your hotel more efficient, competitive and profitable

Booking Engine
18 Feb 2021
The main function of a hotel is to provide guests with excellent service, whatever the reason for their stay: business or leisure.

And so often we are so focused on providing the best service that we sometimes forget to mention the more obvious little things, like those complementary offerings that make all the difference to the accommodation experience.

More than ever, it's time to find solutions and offers that go beyond the typical bed and breakfast.
How to make your hotel more  efficient, competitive and profitabl

Thinking of ways to make your hotel profitable, we have compiled 4 simple suggestions so you can maximise the efficiency of your resources, facilities and equipment, maximising revenue:

1. Communicate (better) with your customers

This is perhaps the most obvious suggestion, right? But it is also the one that, because it is basic, is most often forgotten...

In this phase of uncertainty, it is important and necessary to maintain a coherent, transparent and assiduous communication and connection with your clients. Not communicating cannot be an option. Maintain a close relationship and transmit confidence to your current and future clients: Be available.

2. Invest in the right external channels for your target audience

The hospitality market is highly competitive and, aware of the reduced demand we are going through, it is important to focus on resources and time on the channels that work best for your business.

Being present in the right channels will ensure that your reach is greater and that you reach your audience with the most adjusted offer.

3. Anticipate Revenue and Build Loyalty: Create gift vouchers

Guarantee a booking today, even if the stay is for later. Guarantee your customer!
The creation of vouchers, that the customer can purchase for personal use or as a gift, will contribute to increase your sales and to multiply the options of your commercial offer. Innovate in your direct sales strategy.

4. Automate services

Digital transformation is already being felt in all sectors and the hotel industry has not been left out of this rapid and disruptive advance. Online check-in has almost become a "must-have" during 2020 and, like any positive change: first, you get strange, then you get understandable!

The fear of the loss of human contact at check-in and how that would affect hotel performance was overtaken by the immediate need for a more secure experience.
And actions like check-in or payment automation work today as a guarantee of safety and security for your guests, with efficiency gains at the level of your hotel operation!

And how can you do all this with e-GDS solutions?

Thinking about the importance of communication, there are several solutions in e-GDS® environment, but here we highlight the e-GDS® Survey which allows you to schedule automatic emails to your customers at different times of their experience: when they make a reservation, before they arrive, after check-in and/or check-out, birthday celebration, among others... Be present... Being present will ensure that when your customers plan a trip, they remember you.

As for the provision of supply, e-GDS® customers have at their disposal the e-GDS® Channel Manager which acts quickly, centralized and automated to manage availability, rates and restrictions on all channels, including the booking engine. Through management and automation features, hotels have a global view of their entire inventory, with centralised allotment, combined offers, master rates and massive operations.

And these are some of the features that reiterated e-GDS® as Premium Partner in 2021, and that allow operating more than 200 online sales channels.

e-GDS® vouchers allow you to offer, already today, services to your customer in your direct booking engine. The guest can then choose when to stay, depending on hotel availability and voucher applicability dates. And you can even include products or add-ons to maximise the experience... and your return!

And if you still don't know how you can use all these e-GDS products and features, we will be happy to show you the solutions and find the best way to apply them to your business. We are together

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