
XV International Tourism Congress

We look forward to welcoming you in Mirandela - 23rd to 25th November.

EsACT-IPB Mirandela 23 - 25NOV


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XV International Tourism Congress

The International Tourism Congress (ITC) is the annual scientific gathering of CITUR - Centre for Research, Development and Innovation in Tourism.

The XV edition of ITC will be organized by the School of Communication, Administration and Tourism of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, located in Mirandela, Portugal, from 23rd to 25th November 2023.

Under the theme "Image and sustainability of tourist destinations", ITC2023 will provide academics, master's and doctoral students with the opportunity to present and discuss national and international experiences of sustainable development in tourist destinations.

It is well known that travellers prioritize destinations and activities that focus on environmental sustainability and local community investment. Therefore, discussing the sustainability and image of tourist destinations will help address key topics of current tourism trends!

The ITC2023 will bring together researchers from various fields related to the sustainability of travel and tourism, inviting industry leaders and professionals interested in deepening their knowledge about the latest trends in this field to attend.

See you there?!

The 2022 edition, in Lodz (Poland), looked like this...
See the pictures and get inspired!

The International Tourism Congress ITC2022 was organized by the Faculty of Geographical Sciences at the University of Lodz (Poland) in collaboration with CITUR - Centre for Research, Development and Innovation in Tourism. ITC2022 was also the final dissemination event of the SPOT project.

The event took place both online and in-person in Lodz from 16th to 19th November 2022 and received support from the Lodz Tourism Organisation, the Baltic University Programme, and the Polish Geography Society.

So, shall we meet in Mirandela for ITC2023?
Take a moment and let's chat...

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